Explore projects
Codes for the numerical solver ELM2D-DAS, developed by Nicolas Celli and published as part of the following journal article:
Nicolas L Celli, Christopher J Bean, Gareth O'Brien, Full-waveform simulation of DAS records, response, and cable-ground coupling, Geophysical Journal International, 2023;, ggad449, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggad449
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An Android app for stargazing enthusiasts to explore constellations and planets.
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RETREAT is a REal-time TREmor Analysis Tool. It performs f-k analysis on realtime (or archive) seismic array data to calculate the back azimuth and slowness with the aim of aiding in the location of volcanic tremor signals.
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PION (PhotoIonization of Nebulae) is a C++ computational fluid-dynamics package for astrophysics, including MHD, radiative transfer, chemical kinetics and postprocessing routines. It is used mainly for modelling nebulae around massive stars.
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Public version of the python library that does post-processing on PION simulation data.
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Bosonic BMN model, where the coupling constant of Myers term can be varied.
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Elastic Lattice Method (ELM) in 2D and 3D for simulating the seismic waves propagation through complex media in the presence of topography.
The wiki is available at : https://git.dias.ie/graphiit/DIASGEO/wikis/home
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